Looking for a Change in Life? Stop Doing These 4 Things

Guest blog by Dorothy Watson, Mental Wellness Center If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and your personal life could use a makeover, there is some good news: It’s never too late to make a positive change. But the process can feel overwhelming, and you may not know...

Addicted to Injury: Why People Self-Harm

Self-harm is found in both genders, in all age groups, in every social class and across ethnic divides. But why do people deliberately cause themselves injury? The question has more than one answer, but there are two myths that need to be addressed from the start:...

Is Passion Killing your Relationship?

“To the mind that is still, the whole Universe surrenders” – Lao Tzu It’s the season of passion where many of us give the heart free reign over the head – at least for 24 hours. But it is not only love potions that form within this steamy cauldron; sadly,...

Time for a Spring Clean?

Image copyright: frannyanne / 123RF Stock Photo When you’re stuck, your past becomes tied up with your present and keeps you from taking new opportunities to live life in a different way. Spring is an ideal time to remind yourself that life is not like that....